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This contract (the "Agreement") is entered into on 11/01/2024, between the Friends of the Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority (FDDA) and the Performer, The Make Believe Spurs, as an independent contractor, for a performance at Out to Lunch.

Performance Details:
Performance Date: July 3, 2025
Performance Time 11:45-1:15 pm (Performer to arrive at least 45 minutes prior for setup and sound checks; one 10-minute break allotted, at 12:20pm)
Location: Downtown Stage (across the street from the Dickinson County Library)

Compensation for the performance is $300, payable by Friends of the Iron Mountain DDA immediately after the completion of the show.

Performers agree to represent the FDDA professionally at the fundraiser event. If performers are of drinking age, they commit to consuming alcohol responsibly and in moderation. Performers agree to abstain from inebriation or drug use during the performance. Alcohol consumption is not permitted during the Out to Lunch series.

Cancellation Policy:
This event will proceed rain or shine. In the event of performer cancellation without securing a replacement within 14 days of the performance, a cancellation fee of 50% of the booking will be charged to the Performer by FDDA.

Downtown Iron Mountain, Michigan