Building Improvement Grant Program
Now Open for Applications
Now Open for Applications
Happy New Year! It’s time once again to open up the DDA’s local Building Improvement Grant (BIG) program for applications. This long-standing program – formerly known as “facade grants” – provides financial assistance to downtown building owners to assist in renovation and improvement of buildings in our historic downtown. Since 2009, the BIG program and previous versions have been involved in renovating about 20 Downtown Iron Mountain buildings.
The BIG program provides up to $20,000 per year, and up to $10,000 per project, to fund downtown building improvements. Historic buildings – those built before 1940 – are generally eligible for a higher level of funding than buildings built after 1940. Depending on the number and characteristics of applications received by the DDA in any given year, there may be multiple grants awarded. To receive a grant award, the property involved (the applicant) must attain a minimum score of 50 points, and the maximum attainable score is 100 points. While the scoring guidelines provide an objective measure of applicants in the selection process, the DDA Board of Directors reserves the right to make final decisions regarding grant awards.
Applications open on January 2, 2025 and will close on March 28, 2025. A grant review panel will review the applications on April 23, 2025 and applicants are strongly encouraged to present their proposals at City Hall on that date. The DDA Board of Directors will vote on final awards on May 12, 2025 and the selected applicants will be notified by May 14, 2025.
To get all of the details, visit the Building Improvement Grant (BIG) Program page on this website and download the program information and application by clicking on the big green button near the bottom of the page.
For questions and inquiries, please contact Tim McCauley, DDA Program Coordinator, at or call the DDA office at (906) 774-8534.
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The Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established in 1978 with the purpose of improving and maintaining infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces within the Downtown District. Current DDA functions also include downtown beautification through gardens and public art, organizing and conducting community events, attracting and promoting businesses, and planning for continuing improvements to the Iron Mountain downtown area.
Downtown Tree Replacement Coming in 2025!
The Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority, in partnership with the City of Iron Mountain Tree Board, is working to restore the trees in the heart of Downtown. In the past few years, invasive Emerald Ash-borer and environmental stressors killed 15-20 trees planted in Downtown. We’re excited to announce that the non-profit Friends of the Iron Mountain DDA recently received a $20,000 grant from The Toro Company Greenspace Enhancement Grant Program to help make this project happen in spring 2025!
The total cost of replacing 15-20 trees is $30,000. This cost includes site preparation, planting, and tree maintenance. To raise the remaining $10,000 needed to propel this project forward, we invite local businesses, citizens, and organizations to consider making a donation. All proceeds will go towards supplementing The Toro Company Greenspace Enhancement Grant Program grant. Please see the Downtown Trees page for more details and to donate. No donation is too small! Follow us on the DDA Facebook page for more project updates.
If you would just like to donate now without reading more details, please click on the green button below.
Our Vision, Mission & Purpose
We strive to create a flourishing, historic downtown destination in Iron Mountain, Michigan.
We promote economic growth by organizing community events, attracting new businesses and advancing the beautification and historic preservation within the Downtown District.
We exist to advocate and strengthen Iron Mountain’s entire Downtown District.
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board of Directors and staff coordinate Downtown Iron Mountain programs and events, advance the organization’s vision, mission, and purpose, and promote downtown businesses through website, social media, print publications, and other channels. The DDA conducts roughly 20 events and festivals every year, coordinates planting of flower gardens and hanging baskets throughout the downtown area, and engages in other beautification activities such as placement of street banners. The DDA also continues its long-standing local grant program to assist in the renovation of downtown buildings and elimination of blight. All of these DDA functions bring about a more vibrant, fun, and diverse center of the community.
The DDA relies upon, and is grateful for, the participation of over 130 volunteers who serve on committees, assist in conducting events, and plant & water flowers / gardens. Downtown Iron Mountain festivals and events are attended by thousands of people every year, and are sponsored by many different organizations downtown and throughout the community. Sponsors can partner with the DDA to contribute to the economic vitality of Iron Mountain while enjoying unique opportunities for marketing exposure. Please browse the pages of this website to become familiar with DDA activities and events, and contact us if you have any questions or would like to get involved by volunteering, sponsoring, or serving on the Board or committees.