Serving on the DDA Board is a volunteer activity that demonstrates a firm commitment to the economic potential and vibrancy of the Iron Mountain area, which is anchored by the downtown. This is an opportunity for creative and forward thinking people to guide and influence the activities leading to successful downtown events and festivals, improving public spaces, buildings, and infrastructure, and promoting businesses. All of those activities foster an attractive, vibrant, and economically growing heart of our community. We are specifically seeking the participation of at least one (1) resident living within the Downtown District Boundary.
As mentioned earlier, more details about the three DDA Committees that assist and advise the Board can be found further down this page.
If participation on the Iron Mountain DDA Board interests you, please apply today! It’s easy and takes about 10 minutes. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 24, 2025 at 4:00 PM. The current DDA board and staff will review the applications and contact you.
If you just want to serve in a less formal role on one of the DDA committees, please contact us. No need to fill out any applications.
The Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is managed by the DDA Board of Directors. They set the direction of a variety of high-visibility and impactful activities including events, beautification, and business development. All of those activities are also guided by committees of the same name, consisting of Board members, business owners, residents, and other interested stakeholders. Information for each committee and their functions can be found further down this page. Please read on for some more details about the DDA Board.
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the DDA. It consists of 9 members appointed by the City Manager and approved by the City Council. As the governing body, the Board adopts a budget, develops programs and strategies, oversees the DDA staff, and prepares plans for downtown redevelopment, historic preservation, and financing to support downtown improvements. DDAs have been an important part of preserving and improving downtowns in Michigan since the passage of Public Act 197 in 1975. The Iron Mountain DDA was formed by the City Council in 1978.
Business Development Committee
- Managing and scoring for the Building Improvement Grant Program
- Promoting economic growth within the Downtown District
- Attracting new businesses in the Downtown District
- Promoting existing businesses in the Downtown District
- Attracting developers to the Downtown District
- Social media and blog posts to promote the aforementioned topics
- Other projects, as directed by the DDA Board of Directors
- Creative idea generation and planning for downtown festivals and events.
- Selecting event food vendors, entertainment, and activities
- Volunteering the week before the event and at the event to set up and perform miscellaneous tasks
- Support the Event Coordinator with decisions pertaining to events
- Being an advocate for the DDA events, promoting events in-person, and helping recruit volunteers
- Other projects, as directed by the DDA Board of Directors
- Creative idea generation and planning, acquisition of supplies and equipment, and planting / placement for downtown flowers
- Recruit volunteers to plant, maintain, water, and remove downtown flowers
- Solicit donations and sponsorships to help cover the expenses of downtown beautification
- Creative idea generation and planning for public art downtown
- Creative idea generation and planning for other downtown beautification projects
- Other projects, as directed by the DDA Board of Directors