Social District Hours and Rules
Hours: 7 days per week, 11:00 am to 11:00 pm
The Downtown Iron Mountain Downtown Social District is the area bounded by Stephenson Avenue on the west, Iron Mountain Street on the east, C Street on the south, and Brown Street on the north. This boundary is shown on the map below, and the area within the boundary is called the “Commons Area.”
- Alcoholic beverages may be purchased from participating restaurants and bars located within the Social District – those displaying a sign with the IM Downtown Social District logo.
- Alcohol consumed within the Commons Area of the Social District must be in a special container displaying BOTH the IM Downtown Social District logo AND the logo of the establishment that served the beverage.
- The public may NOT “bring your own” alcoholic beverages into the Social District for consumption within the Commons Area.
- Alcohol purchased from non-participating establishments is NOT allowed in the Commons Area of the Social District.
- Alcohol purchased from one participating establishment may not be brought into any other restaurant or bar with a liquor license.
- Alcohol consumption is also not allowed in establishments located within the Social District that sell food, but do not have a liquor license. Such establishments are always excluded from the Commons Area, even if the map indicates they may be within the Commons Area.
- Retail shopping is welcomed while enjoying the Social Disrict. However, not every retailer permits Social District beverages within their business. Look for “Social District Participant” window decals which indicate the businesses where drinks are permitted.
- Social District beverages must be disposed of when going outside the boundaries of the Social District. The map below shows the boundaries of the Social District.
- Hours: 7 days per week, 11:00 am to 11:00 pm – that means outdoor alcohol consumption is prohibited outside of those hours, between 11:00 pm and 11:00 am.
Social District Boundary and Commons Area

Social District Signage
Signs, just like the one shown below, marking the boundaries of the Downtown Social District, are posted along Stephenson Avenue, Iron Mountain Street, Brown Street, and C Street.
The Commons Area of the Downtown Social District – where outdoor alcohol consumption is permitted – includes the sidewalk along one side of those streets. The Social District does not cross or include those streets, so please stay within the boundaries, and not beyond the edge of the sidewalk!

Participating Bars and Restaurants
The Iron Mountain Downtown Social District was recently established in June 2024. Participating bars and restaurants must go through a permitting process with the City and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) before being allowed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption within the Commons Area. That process is underway, and participating bars and restaurants will be added to this web page as they receive Social District Permits from the MLCC.
At this point, no Iron Mountain Downtown bars / restaurants have received Social District permits.
More Information
View the Downtown Social District Management and Maintenance Plan
Information for participating qualified licensees.